Thursday 4 August 2016

Real life cases of demonic possessions

Do you believe in demonic possessions? Scientists and Doctors around the world do not consider demons to be real. They always come up with some scientific or so called logical explanations to explain the condition of a person possessed by a demon. Truth be told, demonic possessions has no scientific explanation at all. Demons are preternatural beings also referred to as devils that wishes to indulge in malevolent activities and when such demons possess the human body to fulfill its purpose, it is known as demonic possession.

Although, some people do disprove the existence of demons and consider cases of demonic possessions as a result of malfunctioning of the human brain, therefore, to counter the fact here are some real life cases of demonic possessions witnessed across the world.


Anneliese Michel is the most horrifying case as well as the most dramatic case of demonic possession that took place in the year 1973. A movie was also made on this case in the year 2005, named "The Exorcism of Emily Rose" which covered nearby every incidence from the life of Michel. Michel was sixteen years old when she was detected with epilepsy and mental illness for which she was treated at a psychiatric hospital. In 1973, her illness intensified when she became suicidal and spurned all religious belongings. She used to drink her own urine and hear voices around her. She was provided with medicine as prescribed by her doctor which was of no help to her and she begged her family to bring a priest for her because she believed that she was possessed by demons. Although her requests were rejected by her family, two local priests secretly started to perform exorcism on her with exorcism rights. Meanwhile, her family stopped her treatment for epilepsy and mental disorder. Unfortunately, Michel died within a year.

Over the course of ten months, Michel had gone through seventy exorcisms during the course of which she used to make unpleasant noises with a heavy voice similar to that of a man and also talked of dying as a martyr. She refused to eat anything at all and therefore, the reason behind her death was emaciation and starvation. It is said that she preferred dying over being completely possessed by the devil. Consequently, her parents and the priests were charged with negligent homicide.

2. ROLAND DOE, 1940 

When we talk about demonic possessions, the case of Roland Doe is a case that strikes one's mind. Ronald Doe is a fictitious name provided to the boy by the church in order to preserve the identity of the boy. In the late 1940's, Roland's aunt encouraged him to use Ouija board in order to establish contact with unnatural forces. Everything seemed to be right until his aunt died one day. It is speculated by many that Roland tried to contact his aunt after her death using the Ouija board that opened the doors for the demons or the devils and those who wished to take over control of Roland's body and soul. Possession of Roland started with strange sounds like that of a dripping water and sudden cold spots in some corners of his home. These incidences were followed by religious artifacts flying off their place and scratching noises and noises similar to that of someone's footsteps that couldn't be explained by anyone. Scratches began to appear on the boy's body and words were carved into the skin of the boy by unseen claws. The boy began to speak different languages he had no previous knowledge about and that too in a gravely voice and levitated in the air screaming in pain defying the law of gravity. 
                   Finally, one day his family refereed to a Catholic priest about Roland's condition and the priest claimed that the boy was possessed by demons and decided to perform exorcism for the same. Exorcism was performed on the boy over thirty times during which Roland injured the priest several number of times. When at last the ritual was successful entire hospital heard Roland's voice of bestial anguish and near about everyone reported horrible odor of sulfuric acid hanging in the air.  (IMAGE)


Arne Cheyenne Johnson's court case was the first court case in the United States history in which the defense attempted to prove that the defendant was not guilty by the means of demonic possession and hence, the trial was named "Demon Murder Trial". 
                  In 1981, Johnson was convicted for murdering his landlord, Alan Bono in Connecticut. His attorney argued that his actions follows a pattern that can be traced back in his childhood days when he had an erratic behavior towards everyone. Considering his behavior, Johnson's family even consulted the famous 'demonologists' Ed and Lorraine Warren and they confirmed that the child's erratic behavior is not because of psychological disorder but was because of demonic possession. 
As a final result, Johnson was held guilty as demonic possession was not a valid defense against a first degree murder and was sentenced a twenty year imprisonment out of which he only served five years. (IMAGE)

4. JULIA, 2008 

The case was recorded back in the year 2008 when a board certified psychiatrist named Dr. Richard E. Gallagher and associate professor of clinical psychiatry documented a case of a girl nick named Julia in the year 2008 whom they acclaimed was possessed by the demons. It was indeed a rare incidence as a physiologist and a scientist accepted the existence of demons.  Although, doctors still believed that the case was fraudulently presented or was a case of mental illness. It was stated by the professor and the physiologist themselves that they witnessed things flying around the room with no scientific explanation. During her examination, Julia spoke in different languages unknown to her in a voice different from her own. She indeed knew different facts about the people around her that she couldn't have possibly known. (IMAGE)


Anna Ecklund shared a long history of demonic possession starting when she was just fourteen years old she showed some signs of demonic possession. Anna was raised a devout catholic, however, her father and her aunt who practiced witchcraft cursed the girl routinely using herbs to taint her food. Soon the girl started to show signs of demonic possession when she could no longer enter the church or get near any religious belongings. in 1912, the girl went under an exorcism performed by the local priests which became successful but even after being cured her father and her aunt prayed to the Satan to make her suffer even more and within a span of a year she became possessed by multiple demons most of which are said to be the same demons those who possessed Annaliese Michel.
                    Again in the year 1928, Ecklund sought help from the church. In order to carry out exorcism on her she was placed in a convent under the care of nuns where her behavior worsened even more. Many people witnessed her speaking in foreign languages which she couldn't have possibly known or understand. It is said that she defied the law of gravity by levitating in the air and clinging to the wall. In extreme cases her eyes bulged and her body became so heavy that she even broke the iron bed on which she used to lay . After twenty three days and three exorcisms, she was finally declared free from all demons. (IMAGE)

We do ignore the fact that something like ghosts or demons exists in this world, but when we come across these cases of demonic possessions and horrifying stories of spotting a ghosts in real life we can't really stick to our beliefs that we have followed for so long. 

Also read: Do aliens exist?
Also read: Do Ghosts exist?

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