Monday 10 July 2017

Are Skinwalkers Real ?

The blog covers the concept about the creatures that are known as the Skinwalkers. This unusual creature is generally unknown to most of the people, so to provide a general description of the creature, the "Skinwalkers" are tall, human like creature with hands and legs similar to that of an animal (of a dog to be more specific) and the facial features are that of a human. They have a thin skin and can run at a pace of an animal that might match the speed of a dog or a similar animal.

Various experiences has been provided in this blog to give you chills about this unusual creature:


This is an experience of a family which lived within a mile of the Navajo Indian Reservation in Utah which is located in the United States (U.S.). The family was travelling to another city to catch up with their relatives which required them to pass through a stretch of the Indian Reserved territory, which stretched as far as 6 miles for them to enter the different part of the city. The family consisted of a couple which further had two children. The family was travelling along with the mother of Chris who was the father of the two children and his mother was fast asleep in the passenger seat right along the driver's seat. In accordance with the narrator of the story ( Chris), everyone in his car was fast asleep besides him or so he thought.

While driving along the way, out of the corner of his eyes, Chris saw a creature who was running along side the car keeping pace with the speed of the car which was 45 miles per hour. Chris then out of fear, in order to get rid of the creature drove at a speed of 100 miles per hour. He later on explained that the creature kept his pace with the car until the speed of 60 miles and then later on ceased his chase. He described the creature as a person with arms and legs similar to that of a dog with pale white skin and no fur. He added that the creature had red eyes and was staring right at him with sheer anger which was the scariest part. The family of Chris later on claimed to be awoke during this event and confirmed the description of the creature and the fact that Chris had sped up in order to get rid of this creature.


This story about a family that used to live in Montana, United States. The grandmother of the narrator used to live in the Eastern Montana and was introvert in nature keeping things to herself and living in seclusion. One thing that was curious about her was that she always used to look out of the window and on being asked about what she was doing the only thing she had in reply was, "Yenaldooshi is watching me". One evening, the younger brother of the narrator was busy gardening the beautiful flowers planted by her grandmother when out of no where she heard a loud screech which was seemingly of her grandmother. The screech was coming from outside the house.
When they arrived at the spot, they saw narrator's grandmother clutching on to her brother and a creature which was similar in size to that of a Great Dane was staring at the two of them with great intensity. On the arrival of the narrator the dog gazed at her and left giving a "huff" sound.

 The only description that the narrator remember was the size of the creature similar to that of a huge dog and that the eyes of the creature were all yellow. On asking her grandmother about the event the only words that were muttered by her grandmother were, "Yenaldooshi found me". Soon after, she left that place.


This is a story about the place called Utah where the family of the narrator owned a house in the middle of the Indian reservation. It was Christmas time and the family of the narrator had gone for shopping for Christmas. The time was about 9 in the evening, when the narrator heard his cows freaking out at the sight of something. It was common for this area as the wild dogs are always after the cows to fill up their empty stomachs, so the narrator grabbed his shotgun and went out in the field which had a view similar to that of a horror movie, sky all covered in clouds and the moon glaring from between them and the light was illuminating the snow covered field. Just as he went a few steps ahead he saw two dogs like creature fighting among themselves.

He loaded his shotgun to get two for one bonus when suddenly hearing the creek of the loading of his gun the two dogs stopped fighting, shifted their gaze towards him and ran away "STANDING ON THEIR TWO LEGS".

" Thanks for reading!!
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Also Read:
"Do ghosts exist?"
"Real life cases of demonic possession"
"Believe it or not, they are watching"

Thursday 4 August 2016

Real life cases of demonic possessions

Do you believe in demonic possessions? Scientists and Doctors around the world do not consider demons to be real. They always come up with some scientific or so called logical explanations to explain the condition of a person possessed by a demon. Truth be told, demonic possessions has no scientific explanation at all. Demons are preternatural beings also referred to as devils that wishes to indulge in malevolent activities and when such demons possess the human body to fulfill its purpose, it is known as demonic possession.

Although, some people do disprove the existence of demons and consider cases of demonic possessions as a result of malfunctioning of the human brain, therefore, to counter the fact here are some real life cases of demonic possessions witnessed across the world.


Anneliese Michel is the most horrifying case as well as the most dramatic case of demonic possession that took place in the year 1973. A movie was also made on this case in the year 2005, named "The Exorcism of Emily Rose" which covered nearby every incidence from the life of Michel. Michel was sixteen years old when she was detected with epilepsy and mental illness for which she was treated at a psychiatric hospital. In 1973, her illness intensified when she became suicidal and spurned all religious belongings. She used to drink her own urine and hear voices around her. She was provided with medicine as prescribed by her doctor which was of no help to her and she begged her family to bring a priest for her because she believed that she was possessed by demons. Although her requests were rejected by her family, two local priests secretly started to perform exorcism on her with exorcism rights. Meanwhile, her family stopped her treatment for epilepsy and mental disorder. Unfortunately, Michel died within a year.

Over the course of ten months, Michel had gone through seventy exorcisms during the course of which she used to make unpleasant noises with a heavy voice similar to that of a man and also talked of dying as a martyr. She refused to eat anything at all and therefore, the reason behind her death was emaciation and starvation. It is said that she preferred dying over being completely possessed by the devil. Consequently, her parents and the priests were charged with negligent homicide.

2. ROLAND DOE, 1940 

When we talk about demonic possessions, the case of Roland Doe is a case that strikes one's mind. Ronald Doe is a fictitious name provided to the boy by the church in order to preserve the identity of the boy. In the late 1940's, Roland's aunt encouraged him to use Ouija board in order to establish contact with unnatural forces. Everything seemed to be right until his aunt died one day. It is speculated by many that Roland tried to contact his aunt after her death using the Ouija board that opened the doors for the demons or the devils and those who wished to take over control of Roland's body and soul. Possession of Roland started with strange sounds like that of a dripping water and sudden cold spots in some corners of his home. These incidences were followed by religious artifacts flying off their place and scratching noises and noises similar to that of someone's footsteps that couldn't be explained by anyone. Scratches began to appear on the boy's body and words were carved into the skin of the boy by unseen claws. The boy began to speak different languages he had no previous knowledge about and that too in a gravely voice and levitated in the air screaming in pain defying the law of gravity. 
                   Finally, one day his family refereed to a Catholic priest about Roland's condition and the priest claimed that the boy was possessed by demons and decided to perform exorcism for the same. Exorcism was performed on the boy over thirty times during which Roland injured the priest several number of times. When at last the ritual was successful entire hospital heard Roland's voice of bestial anguish and near about everyone reported horrible odor of sulfuric acid hanging in the air.  (IMAGE)


Arne Cheyenne Johnson's court case was the first court case in the United States history in which the defense attempted to prove that the defendant was not guilty by the means of demonic possession and hence, the trial was named "Demon Murder Trial". 
                  In 1981, Johnson was convicted for murdering his landlord, Alan Bono in Connecticut. His attorney argued that his actions follows a pattern that can be traced back in his childhood days when he had an erratic behavior towards everyone. Considering his behavior, Johnson's family even consulted the famous 'demonologists' Ed and Lorraine Warren and they confirmed that the child's erratic behavior is not because of psychological disorder but was because of demonic possession. 
As a final result, Johnson was held guilty as demonic possession was not a valid defense against a first degree murder and was sentenced a twenty year imprisonment out of which he only served five years. (IMAGE)

4. JULIA, 2008 

The case was recorded back in the year 2008 when a board certified psychiatrist named Dr. Richard E. Gallagher and associate professor of clinical psychiatry documented a case of a girl nick named Julia in the year 2008 whom they acclaimed was possessed by the demons. It was indeed a rare incidence as a physiologist and a scientist accepted the existence of demons.  Although, doctors still believed that the case was fraudulently presented or was a case of mental illness. It was stated by the professor and the physiologist themselves that they witnessed things flying around the room with no scientific explanation. During her examination, Julia spoke in different languages unknown to her in a voice different from her own. She indeed knew different facts about the people around her that she couldn't have possibly known. (IMAGE)


Anna Ecklund shared a long history of demonic possession starting when she was just fourteen years old she showed some signs of demonic possession. Anna was raised a devout catholic, however, her father and her aunt who practiced witchcraft cursed the girl routinely using herbs to taint her food. Soon the girl started to show signs of demonic possession when she could no longer enter the church or get near any religious belongings. in 1912, the girl went under an exorcism performed by the local priests which became successful but even after being cured her father and her aunt prayed to the Satan to make her suffer even more and within a span of a year she became possessed by multiple demons most of which are said to be the same demons those who possessed Annaliese Michel.
                    Again in the year 1928, Ecklund sought help from the church. In order to carry out exorcism on her she was placed in a convent under the care of nuns where her behavior worsened even more. Many people witnessed her speaking in foreign languages which she couldn't have possibly known or understand. It is said that she defied the law of gravity by levitating in the air and clinging to the wall. In extreme cases her eyes bulged and her body became so heavy that she even broke the iron bed on which she used to lay . After twenty three days and three exorcisms, she was finally declared free from all demons. (IMAGE)

We do ignore the fact that something like ghosts or demons exists in this world, but when we come across these cases of demonic possessions and horrifying stories of spotting a ghosts in real life we can't really stick to our beliefs that we have followed for so long. 

Also read: Do aliens exist?
Also read: Do Ghosts exist?

Friday 29 July 2016

Believe It or not, they are watching!!

There are millions of incidences around the world that has proved that we are not the only living creatures in this universe. YES!! we are talking about extraterrestrial beings also known as aliens. For many years scientists have been trying to prove the existence of aliens and some of them has achieved some success in regards the same. 

Many incidences were reported across the world that has intrigued the interests of mankind towards the existence of the aliens. Here are the top 5 incidences reported across the world that makes the concept of aliens a bit more realistic. 


According to this incidence, a flying saucer also referred to as UFO was spotted in Roswell and is claimed to be captured by the US military. They said space craft was spotted my many people including UFO hunters. Although, US military claims that the flying saucer was actually a surveillance device launched by the military for trial purpose under a classified operation yet, this statement is claimed to be a cover statement stated by the US government. 


When we talk about aliens then the discussion is not limited to flying saucers but it does extends to the actual aliens as well. In 1961, Barney and Betty hill claimed that they were actually abducted by the aliens after they were followed by a space craft while they were travelling towards their home in Portsmouth, New Hemisphere. The couple claims to remember the intimate physical tests run by the aliens on them and also a map consisting of 3D stars. Everyone claimed their story to be an absolute hoax and a publicity stunt, but the most interesting event was when they went through a hypnosis test and they both repeated the same incidence in a similar sequence which drew the attention of many people towards this incidence.


Clyde W. Tombaugh was respected American astronomer and is also known for his discovery of the dwarf planet, Pluto (No more a planet). Being a well accomplished man of his time, his claim of seeing eight rectangular lights in the sky and his inability to explain the same made the existence of alien life in this universe even more concrete. 


After a large space craft or UFO crashed in the Shag Harbor in Nova Scotia. A search operation was conducted by the Canadian Department of National Defense (CDND). Soon this operation was closed as unsolved by this department when the investigators were unable to gather any proofs from the site. It is believed that it was yet another attempt to hide the existence of the aliens from the mankind.


This incidence is not as famous as any other flying saucer incidence but it does have some background story that falls back in the year 2004. A flying saucer was spotted by some people in a small town called Kasauli located in India, Himachal Pradesh. The object is claimed to be a shiny object which was flying in the air without making any sort of noise and had no extended nose as in the case of airplanes or flying crafts. The incidence was in discussion for quite some time and eventually it faded away with time.  

Whether to believe in aliens or not is entirely upto us but these incidences definitely makes us wonder, "Are They Watching?"

Wednesday 6 July 2016

Do Ghosts Exist?

Many of us don't really believe in things like ghosts, demons, etc. but many activities around us makes us curious to find out more about these unusual elements. Do ghosts really exist?, whenever i come across that question my answer would be yes, they do.
 How am i so sure about them?.There has been many concrete proofs that we can read on internet and also hear from the people around us, not only this but also the presence of soul in the human body has been scientifically proven by the German scientists themselves. They used a photography technique called Kirlian photography using which they proved that the soul first leaves the navel and the area around the head.
Souls exist and so do ghost. When something as unusual as souls has been proved to exist it can be said that ghost to exist. While we still argue that souls and ghosts are different concepts, they are apparently the same. Ghosts existence depends upon the condition of the ending of the substance, in this case we can refer to that substance as the human body. It is said that souls, when do not find a path out of this world because of an unfortunate ending or because the substance did not received a proper burial leads to the existence of ghosts or negative energies around us.
            There are many cases across the globe that might change the point of view of many people about the existence of these energies around us. Some of them has been mentioned below:- 


Banff Spring Hotel was built 125 years ago by the Canada Pacific Railway in Alberta, Canada. As it is said that the hotel looks like a beautiful place to live in, but don't be so sure about this hotel as it has some terrifying history. 
 This spring resort has some terrible history of unfortunate deaths and terrifying murders. It was back then, when a bride fell off the staircase and broke her neck due to panic after her dress caught fire. It is since then that her images are seen by the people staying there on the staircase and in the lobby, and also flames coming from the back of her dress has also been reported by the people there. 
Another story told about this hotel is that of a family that was murdered in room number 873. Although, that room has been bricked up, yet the ghost of the family that was murdered is seen across the hallway outside the room and also in the lobby. 
    The most popular story told by the guests and the hotel staff is that of the bellman, Sam Macauley. He served at the hotel during the 60's and the 70's and it is believed that he still likes to attend to his guests. He opens the door for them, turn on the lights and whenever someone tries to tip him or tries to make a conversation with him, he vanishes.


Borgvattnett is a very small village located in North Sweden and is well known for its most haunted house in Sweden known as the Old Vicarage. It is said to be so much full of  unusual and gothic activities that natives of this place has named this house as the Haunted Vicarage. This house was built in the year 1876.
The first ever gothic activity experienced in this house was that by Chaplain Nils Hedlund who resided in this house in the year 1927. The incidence was experienced as well as documented. According to the experience of Nils, he came across many activities within the house that were referred by him as paranormal. Out of his many experiences, one of them was when he was on his way to the attic. He saw his laundry been torn off by an unnatural force. Following that year in the 1930's, a priest occupied this house who believed in the existence of the ghost in this house. He saw a woman dressed in grey attire appear in his room, he followed her until she vanished in front of his eyes.
It is said that on one occasion, an old woman who was staying in the guest room was awoken in the middle of the night and what she saw was absolutely frightening as she saw three old ladies sitting in the chair and staring at her and whats more, even after she turned on the lights she could still see the blur images of the three women right in their place. Currently, the building is serving as a restaurant as well as a guest house. If anyone wants to stay overnight in the guestroom they are required to fill in the overnight-stay-certificate for the same. Do you dare to make a stay?


The house has been empty for many years and there is a very particular reason behind the same. It is said that the spirit of an old lady haunts this house and screams and creepy laughter can be heard in this house even if someone passes by this property overnight. 
As narrated by the local natives, it is said that the lady used to reside in this house for many years and had an unexplained death and hence, she is keeping the property for herself and no one dares occupy this property for the very similar reason. 


Highgate Cemetery is well known for the burial of the famous personalities like Karl Marx, Douglas Adams and also the parents of Charles Dickens, but that's not all. The place is also famous for paranormal activities that has made this place one of the most haunted place across the world. 
  Paranormal incidences experienced by the people around includes the appearance of an old lady racing across the graves with her grey hairs who murdered her own children. A dark figure has been spotted by the natives who keeps on staring at the sky and when he is approached by someone he disappears and reappears at a short distance in a similar stance. These incidences are indeed frightening but what is more spooky is the tale of the Vampire of the Highgate Cemetery which is not really a blood thirsty vampire but is a phantom which is said to be 7 foot tall with dark male figure with piercing and hypnotic eyes who wears a long black coat and a high top hat. This particular phantom has been seen by a dozen of people and it is said that he vanishes into thin air. It is said that he has been there since the 1960's. 


Stratford-upon-Avon is well know as the birth place of William Shakespeare. This place is located on the River Avon and is said to be haunted by the ghost of John Davies. 
John Davies is also known as the Stradford Ripper. According to the experience of the visitors, they have been chased by a man from rooms and even followed home by a man with a knife who disappears when seen directly. Furthermore, the place is protected by the ghost of a girl called Alice who was one of the Davies' victim. Besides that other ghosts like, ghost of a pilot of World War 2 has been spotted there by the landlady at the Durky Duck Pub and she claims that she even made a conversation with him and after which he excused himself and disappeared in the dark. The most famous of them all is the ghost of a small girl who used to be a pickpocket back in her days whose name was Lucy. It is said that Lucy died when she was 8 years old due to severe injuries caused by a fire and as her mother was poor she sold her body to a doctor. As the doctor was dissecting her, she woke up and it was discovered that she wasn't dead but was in a coma but this time she died for real. 
                       The girl is said to have continued her snatching business from the visitors and she snatches earrings, chains, rings and other items from the visitors. One reporter at the Stradford even felt someone trying to pull coins from her pockets.

These all incidences are spooky and proves that there are some unnatural elements in this world that can't be simply explained but we can feel their presence around us. Some of us may not believe in them but ignoring their existence isn't an easy job for anyone. Decide for yourself, Do ghosts exist?

Also Read- Aliens!! They are watching.